I am no Ruth

Allan Jiang · December 12, 2021

Reflection on Brian’s class on the book of Ruth. I was out of town for most of the class, so I only made the last session. Here were some of my gleanings.

Who was I,  
    that You would be my kinsman-redeemer?

I was not kin,  
    but a foreigner  
    hailing from an enemy nation.

What character had I before You?  
    Was there a pleasing fragrance in my name,  
    that you should declare,  
    "May I AM bless you?"

To whom had I shown hesed,  
    that I would be worthy to receive it?

But You spotted me in my desolate place.  
And You called out, with no hesitation.

I had no daring plan  
    to woo Your love  
But You,  
    You heeded the Father's daring plan  
    to woo mine.

You ran to me,  
leaving the riches of a palace  
    to walk where I walk,   
    to stay where I stay,   
    to make me a people,  
    to be my protector,  
    to die in my place

You bound the strong man,  
    and freed me from slavery.  
You spoke tenderly upon my heart  
    until I was gentled before You.

You refused my offer  
    to be a slave in Your house  
But You elevated me through marriage  
    that I should no longer call You my master,  
    but instead, my husband.

Jesus, thank You,  
    that I am Yours,  
and You are my kinsman redeemer.

Jesus, thank You,  
    for sharing the pleasing fragrance of Your name,  
    and the blessings of I AM.

Jesus, thank You,  
    that You have not stopped showing Your hesed  
    all the days of my life  
    and in me You are well pleased.

Jesus, thank You,  
    that though I am no Ruth,  
    Your hesed has the last word.